
Tha Rayson Mattress na neach-dèanamh leabaidh leabaidh Sìona a bheir seachad fuasgladh aon-stad.


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    Gun dàta toraidh.

    Rach gu duilleag-dachaigh

    Air a mholadh

    Gun dàta

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress

    Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh


    Stuth àrd aodach fighe
    Cuibhrigeadh as àirde Foam convoluted 2.6cm + aodach neo-fhighte
    An ìre as àirde de lìonadh Foam 1.5cm, aodach neo-fhighte
    Mullach pleadhaig pleadhag dubh
    Siostam an earraich 18cm bonnell as t-earrach
    Fo pleadhag pleadhag dubh
    Fo chuartachadh aodach neo-fhighte + foam 0.6cm
    Fo aodach aodach fighe
    Cuartachadh chrìochan Foam 0.6cm + aodach neo-fhighte
    Aodach crìche aodach fighe

    Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh:

    àite air tùs Sìona Ainm branda Rayson
    teisteanas ISPA àireamh modail RSB-PT23
    àirde 23cm / 9 òirleach comhfhurtachd Plush-daingneach
    tagradh Dachaigh/taigh-òsta
    dealbhadh Mullach cluasag
    prìs co-rèiteachadh
    mion-fhiosrachadh pacaidh Vacuum teannachaidh agus pacadh màileid fiodha
    ùine lìbhrigidh 25 latha obrach às deidh do phàigheadh ​​​​fhaighinn
    teirm pàighidh T/T no LC
    comas solair 6000 ~ 8000 gach mìos

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-1
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-2
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-3
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-4
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-5
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-6
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-7
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-8
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-9
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-10
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-11


    Dèan deuchainn leantainneach airson càileachd is coileanadh gach pàirt agus mion-fhiosrachadh

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-12
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-13 PURE COTTON FABRIC
    Faodaidh snàithleach cotan, gnìomh sùghaidh taiseachd math, an taiseachd san àile timcheall a ghabhail a-steach. Bheir e air daoine a bhith a’ faireachdainn bog agus gun a bhith stiff nuair a bhios ar craiceann a’ suathadh ris. Ma dh ’àrdaicheas taiseachd an clò cotan, tha an teòthachd àrainneachd nas àirde, bidh susbaint uisge an t-snàithleach a’ falmhachadh gus a sgapadh, a ’toirt air an aodach cothromachadh uisge a chumail agus bidh daoine a’ faireachdainn comhfhurtail.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-14
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-15 EDGE REINFORCEMENT
    Dealbhadh neartachadh iomall, cuir a-steach cuisean pad dùmhlachd àrd a ’cothlamadh foam tonn cuideam luath sa mheadhan agus lughdaich gu h-èifeachdach an t-iongantas subsadaidh air sgàth gainnead taic. Adhbhar an oir neartachaidh, thèid farsaingeachd gnìomhachd uachdar a’ bhobhstair àrdachadh agus bheir e seachad càileachd cadail nas àirde.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-16
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-17 NARURAL LATEX
    Tha comas aig bobhstair latex feachd giùlain a’ chuideam a sgaoileadh, atharrachadh gu fèin-ghluasadach air suidheachadh cadail ceàrr, fois a ghabhail anns an spine agus orthopédic gnìomh. Structar moileciuil an latex, le deagh chofhurtail, breathable, anti-mildew, miteagan duslach, casg air briodadh bacteria agus dìosganach.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-18
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-19 WAVE FOAM
    Cuir a-steach an foam tonn air uachdar a ’bhobhstair, Gus toirt air daoine cadal nas fheàrr, chan e a-mhàin gu bheil foam tonn a’ sgaoileadh cuideam a ’chuirp, a’ leasachadh cuairteachadh fala, ach cuideachd a ’lughdachadh tricead tionndaidh agus a’ seachnadh crith gu h-èifeachdach. Tha deuchainnean air dearbhadh gum faod foam tuinn piseach a thoirt air an t-snug agus cuideam a’ chuirp a leigeil ma sgaoil.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-20
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-21 NINE AREA SPRING SYSTEM
    Tha naoi roinnean taiceil aig earrach pòcaid sòn na h-oidhche, cùram a thoirt don spine againn gus coinneachadh ri riatanasan gràbhaladh bodhaig an duine, acupuncture sgalp, gualainn, cùl, sliasaid, cnapan, sliasaid, glùinean, adhbrann air am pasgadh ann an naoi pàirtean de dhiofar fòcas air inbhe agus faiceallach sgrùdadh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu robh cuideam bodhaig na sgaoileadh reusanta, chaidh cuideam a chuir air atharrachadh an earraich taic is pòcaid iomchaidh leotha fhèin.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-22
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-23 MEMORY FOAM
    Bidh foam cuimhne air mothachadh teothachd a ’chuirp, mean air mhean a’ fàs bog, agus aig an aon àm a ’gabhail a-steach cuideam a’ chuirp gus am bodhaig atharrachadh chun t-suidheachadh as comhfhurtail. Agus airson a 'phàirt as ìsle den teòthachd nach eil e fosgailte don teòthachd, a tha fhathast ri bhith a' cumail làn fheachd taic, feartan slaodachd stuthan, agus tha buaidh làidir aige air comas lùth-ionsachaidh.

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-24
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-25

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-26Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-27
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-28

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-29
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-30


    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-31

    Fiosrachadh pacaid
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-32
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-33
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-34
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-35
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-36
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-37

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-38
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-39
    Mura h-eil teirm sònraichte sa chùmhnant, tha sinn a’ gealltainn don neach a-staigh airson 10 bliadhna gealltanas cleachdadh àbhaisteach, coltas uachdar 1 bliadhna gealltanas cleachdadh àbhaisteach.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-40

    Moladh Cleachdaidh
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Na cleachd sgian gheur agus bathar eile gus suathadh gu dìreach air uachdar a’ bhobhstair.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Na leum ' air a’ bhobhstair an-còmhnaidh gus aire a thoirt do structar a-staigh a’ bhobhstair.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Tha sinn a ’toirt comhairle dhut am bobhstair a thionndadh thairis gach ràith gus an ùine cleachdaidh den bhobhstair àrdachadh.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Is e am bobhstair an caraid cadail as fheàrr nad bheatha, thoir an aire don charaid seo!

    Cuir fios thugainn
    dìreach fàg am post-d no an àireamh fòn agad san fhoirm conaltraidh gus an urrainn dhuinn cuòt an-asgaidh a chuir thugad airson ar raon farsaing de dhealbhaidhean
    Bathar Co-cheangailte
    Gun dàta

    Ma tha ceist sam bith agad, cuir fios thugainn.

    Cuir fios gu: +86-757-85886933

    Post-d : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Cuir ris: Pàirc Gnìomhachais Hongxing Village, Guanyao, Baile Shishan, Sgìre Nanhai, Cathair Foshan, Roinn Guangdong, Sìona

    Làrach-lìn: www.raysonglobal.com.cn

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