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    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress

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    Kain atas kain rajutan
    Quilting Atas Busa berbelit-belit 2,6cm + kain bukan tenunan
    Lapisan pengisian atas Busa 1,5cm, kain bukan tenunan
    Bantalan atas bantalan hitam
    Sistem pegas pegas bonnell 18cm
    Di bawah bantalan bantalan hitam
    Di bawah selimut kain bukan tenunan+busa 0,6cm
    Di bawah kain kain rajutan
    Merajut perbatasan Busa 0,6cm + kain bukan tenunan
    Kain pembatas kain rajutan

    Rincian produk:

    Tempat asal Tiongkok Nama merek Rayson
    sertifikasi ISPA nomor model RSB-PT23
    tinggi 23cm/9 inci kenyamanan Perusahaan mewah
    aplikasi Rumah/hotel
    Desain Atasan bantal
    harga perundingan
    detail kemasan Pengepakan vakum dan pengepakan palet kayu
    waktu pengiriman 25 hari kerja setelah menerima pembayaran Anda
    Jangka waktu pembayaran T/T atau LC
    kemampuan pasokan 6000~8000 per bulan

    Keuntungan utama
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-1
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-2
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-3
    Tahan lembab
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-4
    Tahan lama
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-5
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-6
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-7
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-8
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-9
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-10
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-11

    Keuntungan utama

    Terus Menguji Kualitas Dan Kinerja Setiap Komponen Dan Detail

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-12
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-13 PURE COTTON FABRIC
    Serat kapas, fungsi penyerap kelembapan yang baik, dapat menyerap kelembapan di atmosfer sekitar. Ini akan membuat orang merasa lembut dan tidak kaku saat kulit kita menyentuhnya. Jika kelembapan kain katun meningkat, suhu lingkungan semakin tinggi, kandungan air pada serat akan menguap hingga menyebar, membuat kain menjaga keseimbangan air dan orang akan merasa nyaman.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-14
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-15 EDGE REINFORCEMENT
    Desain penguatan tepi, membungkus bantalan bantalan kepadatan tinggi yang memadukan busa gelombang tekanan ekspres pusat dan secara efektif mengurangi fenomena penurunan permukaan tanah karena kurangnya dukungan. Dengan semakin menguatnya tepi kasur, maka ruang lingkup aktivitas permukaan kasur akan semakin meningkat dan memberikan kualitas tidur yang lebih baik.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-16
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-17 NARURAL LATEX
    Kasur lateks mempunyai kemampuan mendistribusikan daya dukung beban, secara otomatis menyesuaikan posisi tidur yang salah, merelaksasi tulang belakang dan bersifat ortopedi fungsional. Struktur molekul lateks, dengan kenyamanan yang baik, bernapas, anti jamur, tungau debu, penghambatan perkembangbiakan bakteri dan parasit.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-18
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-19 WAVE FOAM
    Pasang busa gelombang pada permukaan kasur, Agar tidur lebih nyenyak, busa gelombang tidak hanya dapat membubarkan berat badan, memperlancar peredaran darah, tetapi juga mengurangi frekuensi membalik dan menghindari gemetar secara efektif. Pengujian telah membuktikan bahwa busa gelombang dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan dan melepaskan tekanan tubuh.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-20
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-21 NINE AREA SPRING SYSTEM
    Pegas saku zona malam memiliki sembilan segmen pendukung, merawat tulang belakang kita untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ukiran tubuh manusia, akupunktur kulit kepala, bahu, punggung, pinggang, bokong, paha, lutut, pergelangan kaki dibungkus dalam sembilan bagian dengan fokus berbeda pada status dan hati-hati audit untuk memastikan berat badan memiliki penyebaran yang wajar, penyesuaian pegas pendukung dan pegas yang tepat ditekankan secara individual.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-22
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-23 MEMORY FOAM
    Busa memori pada penginderaan suhu tubuh, secara bertahap menjadi lembut, sekaligus menyerap tekanan tubuh untuk menyesuaikan tubuh ke posisi paling nyaman. Dan untuk bagian bawah temperatur yang tidak terkena temperatur, yaitu tetap mempertahankan gaya dukung penuh, sifat viskositas material, dan mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat terhadap kapasitas penyerapan energi.

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-24
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-25

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-26Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-27
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-28

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-29
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-30


    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-31

    Informasi Paket
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-32
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-33
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-34
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-35
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-36
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-37

    Garansi barang
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-38
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-39
    Jika tidak ada ketentuan khusus dalam kontrak, kami menjanjikan jaminan penggunaan normal pegas bagian dalam selama 10 tahun, tampilan permukaan jaminan penggunaan normal 1 tahun.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-40

    Saran Penggunaan
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Jangan gunakan pisau tajam dan benda lain untuk menyentuh permukaan kasur secara langsung.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Jangan selalu melompat ke atas kasur untuk menjaga struktur bagian dalam kasur.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Kami menyarankan Anda untuk membalik kasur setiap musim untuk menambah waktu penggunaan kasur.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Kasur adalah teman tidur terbaikmu dalam hidupmu, tolong jagalah teman ini!

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    Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami.

    Beritahu : +86-757-85886933

    Email kami : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Tambahkan : Taman Industri Desa Hongxing, Guanyao, Kota Shishan, Distrik Nanhai, Kota Foshan, Provinsi Guangdong, Cina

    Situs web: www.raysonglobal.com.cn

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