
Rayson Mattress je kitajski proizvajalec posteljnih vložkov, ki ponuja rešitev na enem mestu.


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    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress

    Podatki o proizvodu


    Vrhnja tkanina pletena tkanina
    Vrhunsko prešivanje 2,6 cm zavita pena + netkana tkanina
    Zgornja polnilna plast 1,5 cm pena, netkana tkanina
    Zgornje oblazinjenje črno oblazinjenje
    Vzmetni sistem 18cm bonnell vzmet
    Pod oblazinjenjem črno oblazinjenje
    Pod prešitjem netkana tkanina + 0,6 cm pene
    Pod tkanino pletena tkanina
    Prešivanje obrobe 0,6 cm pena + netkana tkanina
    Obrobno blago pletena tkanina

    Podrobnosti o izdelku:

    kraj izvora Kitajsa Blagovna znamka Rayson
    certificiranje ISPA številka modela RSB-PT23
    višina 23 cm/9 palcev udobje Pliš-firma
    aplikacija Dom/hotel
    Zasnovanje Vzglavnik
    cena pogajanja
    podrobnosti pakiranja Vakuumsko stisnjeno in pakiranje lesenih palet
    čas dostave 25 delovnih dni po prejemu vašega plačila
    plačilni rok T/T ali LC
    dobavna sposobnost 6000 ~ 8000 na mesec

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-1
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-2
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-3
    Odporen na vlago
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-4
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-5
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-6
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-7
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-8
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-9
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-10
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-11


    Nenehno preizkušajte kakovost in zmogljivost vsake komponente in podrobnosti

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-12
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-13 PURE COTTON FABRIC
    Bombažna vlakna, dobro absorbirajo vlago, lahko absorbirajo vlago v ozračju okoli. Ob dotiku naše kože se bodo ljudje počutili mehke in ne trde. Če se vlažnost bombažne tkanine poveča, je temperatura okolja višja, vsebnost vode v vlaknu bo izhlapela, da se bo razpršila, zaradi česar bo tkanina ohranila vodno ravnovesje in ljudje se bodo počutili udobno.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-14
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-15 EDGE REINFORCEMENT
    Zasnova za ojačitev robov obdaja blazino iz pene z osrednjimi hitrimi valovi z visoko gostoto in učinkovito zmanjša pojav posedanja zaradi pomanjkanja podpore. Z utrjenim robom se bo obseg delovanja površine vzmetnice povečal in zagotovil kakovostnejše spanje.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-16
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-17 NARURAL LATEX
    Vzmetnice iz lateksa imajo sposobnost porazdelitve nosilne sile teže, avtomatske prilagoditve nepravilnega položaja spanja, sproščanja hrbtenice in funkcionalne ortopedije. Molekularna struktura lateksa, z dobrim udobjem, zračnostjo, proti plesni, pršicam, zavira razmnoževanje bakterij in parazitov.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-18
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-19 WAVE FOAM
    Namestite valovito peno na površino vzmetnice. Da bi ljudje bolje spali, lahko valovita pena ne le razprši telesno težo, izboljša prekrvavitev, ampak tudi zmanjša pogostost obračanja in učinkovito prepreči tresenje. Testi so dokazali, da pena z valovi lahko izboljša udobje in sprosti pritisk telesa.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-20
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-21 NINE AREA SPRING SYSTEM
    Žepkasta vzmet v nočnem območju ima devet podpornih segmentov, skrbi za našo hrbtenico, da zadosti zahtevam človeškega telesa, akupunkturo lasišča, ramena, hrbet, pas, zadnjico, stegno, kolena, gležnje, zavite v devet delov različnih osredotočenosti na status in skrb pregled, da se zagotovi primerna porazdelitev telesne teže, prilagoditev ustrezne podpore in žepkaste vzmeti, posebej poudarjene.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-22
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-23 MEMORY FOAM
    Spominska pena pri zaznavanju telesne temperature postopoma postane mehka, medtem ko absorbira pritisk telesa, da prilagodi telo v najbolj udoben položaj. In za spodnji del temperature ni izpostavljen temperaturi, ki še vedno ohranja polno podporno silo, lastnosti viskoznosti materiala in ima močno zmogljivost absorpcije udarne energije.

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-24
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-25

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-26Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-27
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-28

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    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-30


    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-31

    Informacije o paketu
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-32
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-33
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-34
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-35
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-36
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-37

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-38
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-39
    V primeru, da v pogodbi ni posebnih pogojev, obljubljamo notranjo vzmet za 10-letno garancijo normalne uporabe, videz površine pa 1-letno garancijo za normalno uporabo.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-40

    Predlog za uporabo
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Ne'ne uporabljajte ostrih nožev in drugih predmetov za neposreden dotik površine vzmetnice.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Ne'ne skačite vedno na vzmetnico, da pazite na notranjo strukturo vzmetnice.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Svetujemo vam, da vzmetnico vsako sezono obrnete, da podaljšate čas uporabe vzmetnice.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Vzmetnica je vaš najboljši prijatelj za spanje v vašem življenju, prosim, poskrbite za tega prijatelja!

    Pokliči nas.
    samo pustite svoj e-poštni naslov ali telefonsko številko v kontaktnem obrazcu, da vam lahko pošljemo brezplačno ponudbo za našo široko paleto dizajnov
    Povezani izdelki
    ni podatkov

    Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, se obrnite na nas.

    Povejte: +86-757-85886933

    E- pošta : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Dodaj: Hongxing Village Industrial Park, Guanyao, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Kitajska

    Spletna stran: www.raysonglobal.com.cn

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