
Rayson Mattress is in Sineeske bedmatrasfabrikant dy't ien-stop-oplossing leveret.

Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 1
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 2
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 3
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 4
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 5
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 1
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 2
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 3
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 4
Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras 5

Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras

Titel: Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro top Pocket Spring Matras.
Model nûmer.: RSP-R25

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    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o



    Top stof breide stof
    Top Quilting 1cm foam+2cm20 foam+non-woven
    Top filling laach 4CmName  foam + non-woven stof
    Top padding swarte katoenen pad
    Spring systeem 18cm pocket spring
    Under padding swarte katoenen pad
    Under quilting non-woven stof + 1cm foam
    Under stof Anti-slip breide stof
    Border quilting 1CmName  foam + non-woven stof
    Border stof Wit gebreide stof

    Produkt detail:

    plak fan komôf ChinaName Brandnamme Rayson
    sertifisearring ISPA model number RSP-R25
    hichte 25cm/10inch treast Plús
    oanfraach Thús / hotel
    Ûntwerp Euro boppe
    priis ûnderhanneling
    ferpakking detail Vacuüm komprimearre en houten pallet ferpakking
    levertiid 25 wurkdagen nei ûntfangst fan jo betelling
    betelling term T/T of LC
    oanbod fermogen 6000 ~ 8000 per moanne

    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-1
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-2
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-3
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-4
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-5
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-6
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-7
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-8
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-9
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-10
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-11


    Test kontinu foar de kwaliteit en prestaasjes fan elke komponint en detail

    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-12
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-13 PURE COTTON FABRIC
    Katoenfaser, goede fochtabsorberende funksje, kin it focht opnimme yn 'e sfear rûnom. It sil minsken sêft en net stiif meitsje as ús hûd it oanreitsje. As de fochtigens fan it katoenen doek ferheget, is de omjouwingstemperatuer heger, de wetterynhâld fan 'e glêstried sil ferdampe om te fersprieden, meitsje de stof it wetterbalâns te hâlden en minsken sille har noflik fiele.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-14
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-15 EDGE REINFORCEMENT
    Edge fersterkjen design, encase it kessen fan hege tichtheid pad blend sintrale express druk wave skom en effektyf ferminderje it fersakking fenomeen fanwege it tekoart oan stipe. Feroarsaakje de fersterkjende râne, de omfang fan aktiviteiten fan it oerflak fan 'e matras sil ferbetterje en de sliep fan hegere kwaliteit leverje.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-16
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-17 NARURAL LATEX
    Latex matras hawwe it fermogen om de draachkrêft fan it gewicht te fersprieden, automatysk de ferkearde sliepposysje oan te passen, de rêch te ûntspannen en funksjonele ortopedysk. De molekulêre struktuer fan 'e lateks, mei goede noflike, ademend, anty-mildew, stofmyten, remming fan it fokken fan baktearjes en parasiten.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-18
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-19 WAVE FOAM
    Ynstallearje de welle skom op it oerflak fan 'e matras, Om minsken better sliepe te meitsjen, kin de welle skom net allinich it lichemsgewicht ferspriede, bloedsirkulaasje ferbetterje, mar ek de frekwinsje fan omkearing ferminderje en effektyf triljen foarkomme. Tests hawwe bewiisd dat wellefoam de snug kin ferbetterje en de lichemsdruk loslitte.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-20
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-21 NINE AREA SPRING SYSTEM
    Nachtsône pocket maitiid hawwe njoggen stypjende segminten, soarchje ús rêchbonke om te foldwaan oan 'e easken fan' e minsklike lichem snijden, hoofdhuid akupunktur, skouder, rêch, taille, billen, dij, knibbels, ankel ferpakt yn njoggen dielen fan ferskillende fokus op status en foarsichtich audit te garandearjen it lichem gewicht wie in ridlike sprieding, de oanpassing fan de goede stypjende en pocket spring yndividueel beklamme.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-22
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-23 MEMORY FOAM
    Unthâldfoam op it sensorjen fan lichemstemperatuer, wurdt stadichoan sêft, wylst it lichemsdruk absorbearret om it lichem oan te passen oan 'e meast noflike posysje. En foar it legere diel fan de temperatuer wurdt net bleatsteld oan de temperatuer, dat is noch te behâlden in folsleine stipe krêft, de viscidity eigenskippen fan materiaal, en hat in sterke ynfloed enerzjy absorption kapasiteit.

    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-24
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-25

    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-26Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-27
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-28

    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-29
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-30


    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-31

    Pakket ynformaasje
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-32
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-33
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-34
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-35
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-36
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-37

    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-38
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-39
    As d'r gjin spesjale termyn yn 'e kontrakt is, tasizze wy de binnenspring foar 10 jier normaal gebrûk garânsje, it oerflak uterlik 1 jier normaal gebrûk garânsje.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-40

    Usage Suggestion
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-41 Brûk gjin skerpe mes en oare guod om it matras oerflak direkt oan te raken.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-41 Spring net altyd op 'e matras om de ynderlike struktuer fan 'e matras te fersoargjen.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-43 Wy riede jo oan om de matras elk seizoen om te draaien om de gebrûkstiid fan 'e matras te fergrutsjen.
    Rayson Mattress-Dream Easy Massage Roll Euro topPocket Spring Mattress Certificated pocket springs o-43 De matras is jo bêste sliepende freon yn jo libben, soargje asjebleaft foar dizze freon!

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    As jo ​​​​fragen hawwe, nim dan kontakt mei ús op.

    Tel: +86-757-85886933

    E-mail : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Taheakje: Hongxing Village Industrial Park, Guanyao, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Sina

    Webside: www.raysonglobal.com.cn

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