As Hotel Mattress gets more and more popular in the market, its sales volume are increasing as well. The product is of great durability and reliability which helps it to win more recognition from customers. By cause of the great performance of our products and considerate service provided by our service team, the sales volume is increasing rapidly.
By supplying ball fibre pillow and professional service, RAYSON GLOBAL CO., LTD now ranks top in the market. pocket sprung and foam mattress is one of RAYSON's multiple product series. The product has high strength and not easy to break or crack. Even it is exposed to the direct sunlight for a long time, it keeps its original shape excellently. It allows greater heat diffusion for good sleep. One of our customers says the product helps solve the problem of rising electrical costs and reduce his dependence on the local utility company. It has good air permeability to keep dry and breathable.
Ball fibre pillow thinks that service is as important as quality of ball fibre pillow. Get info!
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Add : Hongxing Village Industrial Park, Guanyao, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China
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