
Rayson Mattress on Hiina voodimadratsite tootja, kes pakub ühtset lahendust.


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    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress

    Toote üksikasja


    Pealmine kangas silmkoekangast
    Top teppimine 2,6 cm keerdunud vaht + lausriie
    Pealmine täitekiht 1,5 cm vaht, lausriie
    Ülemine polsterdus must polsterdus
    Vedrusüsteem 18 cm bonnell vedru
    Polsterduse all must polsterdus
    Teppimise all lausriie+0,6cm vaht
    Kanga all silmkoekangast
    Ääriste teppimine 0,6 cm vaht + lausriie
    Ääriste kangas silmkoekangast

    Toote üksikasjad:

    päritolukoht Hiina Kaubamärgi nimi Rayson
    sertifitseerimine ISPA mudeli number RSB-PT23
    kõrgus 23 cm / 9 tolli mugavus Palus-kindel
    rakendus Kodu/hotell
    Disaine Padjapealne
    hind läbirääkimistel
    pakendi detail Vaakumpressitud ja puitaluste pakkimine
    tarne aeg 25 tööpäeva pärast makse laekumist
    maksetähtaeg T/T või LC
    tarnevõime 6000-8000 kuus

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-1
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-2
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-3
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-4
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-5
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-6
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-7
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-8
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-9
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-10
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-11


    Katsetage pidevalt iga komponendi ja detaili kvaliteeti ja toimivust

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-12
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-13 PURE COTTON FABRIC
    Puuvillakiud, hea niiskust imav funktsioon, võib imada ümbritsevast atmosfäärist niiskust. See muudab inimesed pehmeks ja mitte jäigaks, kui meie nahk seda puudutab. Kui puuvillase riide niiskus suureneb, on ümbritseva õhu temperatuur kõrgem, kiu veesisaldus aurustub ja hajub, hoiab kangast veetasakaalu ja inimesed tunnevad end mugavalt.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-14
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-15 EDGE REINFORCEMENT
    Serva tugevdav disain, katab padja suure tihedusega padja segu keskse kiirsurvelaine vahuga ja vähendab tõhusalt toe puudumise tõttu vajumist. Tugevdades serva, suureneb madratsi pinna tegevusala ja tagab kvaliteetsema une.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-16
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-17 NARURAL LATEX
    Lateksmadratsil on võime jaotada raskuse kandejõudu, reguleerida automaatselt valet magamisasendit, lõdvestada selgroogu ja funktsionaalne ortopeediline. Lateks molekulaarstruktuur, hea mugav, hingav, hallituse-, tolmulestavastane, bakterite ja parasiitide paljunemist pärssiv.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-18
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-19 WAVE FOAM
    Paigaldage lainevaht madratsi pinnale, et inimesed saaksid paremini magada, ei saa lainevaht mitte ainult kehakaalu hajutada, parandada vereringet, vaid ka vähendada ümberpööramise sagedust ja vältida tõhusalt värisemist. Testid on tõestanud, et lainevaht võib parandada mugavust ja vabastada kehasurvet.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-20
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-21 NINE AREA SPRING SYSTEM
    Öötsooni taskuvedrusel on üheksa tugisegmenti, mis hoolitsevad meie selgroo eest, et rahuldada inimkeha nõudeid, peanaha nõelravi, õlgade, selja, talje, tuhara, reie, põlvede, pahkluu, mis on ümbritsetud üheksast osast, keskendudes erinevale seisundile ja ettevaatlikkusele. audit, et tagada kehakaal oli mõistlik jaotus, reguleerimine õige tugi- ja taskuvedru individuaalselt rõhutatud.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-22
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-23 MEMORY FOAM
    Mäluvaht kehatemperatuuri tuvastamisel muutub järk-järgult pehmeks, neelates samal ajal keha survet, et kohandada keha kõige mugavamasse asendisse. Ja alumine osa temperatuur ei puutu kokku temperatuuriga, mis on ikkagi täieliku tugijõu säilitamiseks, materjali viskoossuse omadused ja sellel on tugev löögienergia neeldumisvõime.

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-24
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-25

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-26Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-27
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-28

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-29
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-30


    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-31

    Paketi teave
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-32
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-33
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-34
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-35
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-36
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-37

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-38
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-39
    Juhul, kui lepingus eritähtaega ei ole, lubame sisevedrule tavakasutuse garantiid 10 aastat, pinna välimusele 1 aastat tavakasutuse garantiid.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-40

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Ärge kasutage teravat nuga ega muid esemeid, et madratsi pinda otse puudutada.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Ärge hüppage alati madratsile, et hoolitseda madratsi sisemise struktuuri eest.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Soovitame igal hooajal madratsit ümber pöörata, et madratsi kasutusaega pikendada.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Madrats on sinu elu parim magamisõber, palun hoolitse selle sõbra eest!

    Võta meiega ühendust
    jätke lihtsalt oma e-posti aadress või telefoninumber kontaktivormi, et saaksime saata teile tasuta hinnapakkumise meie laia valiku kujunduste kohta
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    Andmed puuduvad

    Kui teil on küsimusi, võtke meiega ühendust.

    Öelge: +86-757-85886933

    E- posti aadress : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Lisa: Hongxing Village Industrial Park, Guanyao, Shishan Town, Nanhai piirkond, Foshan City, Guangdongi provints, Hiina

    Veebisait: www.raysonglobal.com.cn

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