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    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress

    Upplýsingar um vörun


    Efst efni prjónað efni
    Topp teppi 2,6 cm snúin froða+ óofinn dúkur
    Efsta fyllingarlagið 1,5 cm froða, óofið efni
    Topp bólstrun svört bólstrun
    Vorkerfi 18cm hlífðarfjöður
    Undir bólstrun svört bólstrun
    Undir sæng óofinn dúkur+0,6cm froða
    Undir efni prjónað efni
    Border quilting 0,6cm froðu+ óofið efni
    Border efni prjónað efni

    Upplýsingar um vöru:

    upprunastað Kína Nafn Rayson
    vottun ISPA tegundarnúmer RSB-PT23
    hæð 23 cm/9 tommur þægindi Plush-fast
    umsókn Heimili/hótel
    Hönnuna Kodda toppur
    verð samningaviðræður
    smáatriði umbúða Tómarúm þjappað og viðarbrettapökkun
    sendingartími 25 virkum dögum eftir að þú fékkst greiðsluna þína
    greiðslutíma T/T eða LC
    framboðsgetu 6000 ~ 8000 á mánuði

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-1
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-2
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-3
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-4
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-5
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-6
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-7
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-8
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-9
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-10
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-11


    Prófaðu stöðugt gæði og frammistöðu hvers íhluta og smáatriði

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-12
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-13 PURE COTTON FABRIC
    Bómullartrefjar, góð rakagefandi virkni, geta tekið upp raka í andrúmsloftinu í kring. Það mun láta fólk líða mjúkt og ekki stíft þegar húðin okkar snertir hana. Ef rakastig bómullarklútsins eykst er umhverfishitastigið hærra, vatnsinnihald trefjanna gufar upp til að dreifa, gerir efnið halda vatnsjafnvægi og fólki líður vel.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-14
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-15 EDGE REINFORCEMENT
    Kantstyrkjandi hönnun, umlykur púðann af háþéttni púðablöndu miðlægrar þrýstibylgjufroðu og dregur í raun úr landsigi vegna skorts á stuðningi. Orsök styrkingar brún, umfang starfsemi yfirborðs dýnunnar mun aukast og veita meiri gæði svefns.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-16
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-17 NARURAL LATEX
    Latex dýna hefur getu til að dreifa burðarkrafti þyngdar, stilla sjálfkrafa ranga svefnstöðu, slaka á hrygg og virka bæklunaraðgerðir. Sameindabygging latexsins, með góðu, þægilegu, andar, gegn myglu, rykmaurum, hömlun á ræktun baktería og sníkjudýra.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-18
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-19 WAVE FOAM
    Settu bylgjufroðuna á yfirborð dýnunnar, til að láta fólk sofa betur getur bylgjufroðan ekki aðeins dreift líkamsþyngdinni, bætt blóðrásina, heldur einnig dregið úr tíðni þess að velta sér og forðast skjálfta á áhrifaríkan hátt. Prófanir hafa sannað að bylgjufroða getur bætt þéttleikann og losað líkamsþrýstinginn.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-20
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-21 NINE AREA SPRING SYSTEM
    Nætursvæði vasafjöður hefur níu stuðningshluta, hugsa um hrygginn okkar til að mæta kröfum mannslíkamans, nálastungumeðferð í hársvörð, öxl, bak, mitti, rass, læri, hné, ökkla vafinn í níu hluta af mismunandi áherslu á stöðu og varkár. endurskoðun til að tryggja að líkamsþyngdin væri hæfileg dreifing, aðlögun á réttum stuðningi og vasafjöðri sérstaklega lögð áhersla á.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-22
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-23 MEMORY FOAM
    Minnisfroða við líkamshitaskynjun, verður smám saman mjúk, en tekur á móti þrýstingi líkamans til að stilla líkamann í þægilegustu stöðu. Og fyrir neðri hluta hitastigsins er ekki útsett fyrir hitastigi, sem er enn til að viðhalda fullum stuðningskrafti, seigjueiginleika efnisins og hefur sterka áhrif orku frásogsgetu.

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-24
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-25

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-26Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-27
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-28

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    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-30


    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-31

    Upplýsingar um pakka
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-32
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-33
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-34
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-35
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-36
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-37

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-38
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-39
    Ef það er enginn sérstakur skilmálar í samningnum lofum við innri fjöðrunum í 10 ára venjulegri notkunarábyrgð, yfirborðsútlitið 1 ára venjulegri notkunarábyrgð.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-40

    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Not'ekki beittan hníf og annan varning til að snerta yfirborð dýnunnar beint.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-41 Ekki'hoppa alltaf á dýnuna til að passa innri uppbyggingu dýnunnar.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Við ráðleggjum þér að snúa dýnunni við á hverju tímabili til að auka notkunartíma dýnunnar.
    Rayson Mattress-test Fashion Design bonnell coil mattress With Competitive Price Rayson Mattress-43 Dýnan er besti svefnvinur þinn í lífi þínu, farðu vel með þennan vin!

    Hafđu samband viđ okkur.
    skildu bara eftir tölvupóstinn þinn eða símanúmerið þitt á tengiliðaeyðublaðinu svo við getum sent þér ókeypis tilboð fyrir fjölbreytt úrval af hönnunum okkar
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    Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur.

    Segðu: +86-757-85886933

    Emaill : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Bæta við: Hongxing Village Industrial Park, Guanyao, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Kína

    Vefsíða: www.raysonglobal.com.cn

    Höfundarréttur © 2025 | Veftré Friðhelgisstefna 
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