
Rayson Mattress minangka produsen kasur amben China sing nyedhiyakake solusi siji-mandeg.

Grosir Heath Body Dekoratif Bantal Kanthi Lateks Alam Covers 1
Grosir Heath Body Dekoratif Bantal Kanthi Lateks Alam Covers 1

Grosir Heath Body Dekoratif Bantal Kanthi Lateks Alam Covers

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    Rincian cepet

    • Bahan: Poliester/Katun
    • Isi: Lateks
    • Kelompok Umur: diwasa
    • Part: Gulu
    • wangun: kothak
    • Gunakake: Sprei, Awak, Dekoratif, Hotel, Gulu, Turu
    • Fitur: adhem
    • Panggonan Asal: Guangdong, China (Daratan)
    • Jeneng merek: Rayson
    • Nomer Model: RS-LP
    • Kapadhetan: 40 kg/m3
    • Panutup: Kain rajutan
    • Ukuran: 60x40x12/10 CM
    • Warna Kain: Putih Lan Beige
    • Layanan: OEM&ODM
    • Sertifikasi: ISPA,SGS
    • Kain: unpick lan kain washable

    Kemasan & Pangiriman

    Rincian Kemasan: Non woven tas utawa kothak karton.
    Rincian Pangiriman: Dikirim ing 25 dina sawise pembayaran

    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory Grosir Heath Body Dekoratif Bantal Kanthi Lateks Alam Covers

    Gambar rinci

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    Bantal lateks ndhukung sirah lan gulu, nyedhiyakake paling migunani kanggo konsumen nalika nggunakake kasur lateks alami 100% utawa puncak lateks alami 100% digabungake karo bantal Lateks kanggo turu sing paling sehat.


    Yen konsumen milih preferensi pribadhi sing cocog minangka bantal sing kuat utawa alus (kalebu ukuran lan kekandelan) sing cocog karo individualitas, bantal lateks sing wiyar iki kanggo macem-macem kontur bakal migunani kanggo wong-wong mau kanthi nyeri gulu sing paling dhuwur. relief lan breathability.



    Bantal Latex Natural Kab  fitur: 

    1. Dissipate panas, bantal lateks struktur honeycomb ventilative kanggo panyebaran gampang panas awak

    2. Elastisitas dhuwur, bantal lateks bisa nyuda tekanan awak manungsa;
    3. Awet, non-deformable.
    4. Eco-loropaken, nul-polusi lateks.
    5. Ngurangi daya statis nalika turu;
    6. Non-beracun, anti-mite lan anti-bakteri, anti-alergi.
    7. Sehat kanggo awak, mbantu ningkatake serviks, lumbar, lan nyuda tekanan getih.
    8. Dirancang kanthi ergonomis kanggo ningkatake turu kanthi efektif.
    9. Mbantu kanggo ngorok-gampang kanggo patients asma.


    Deskripsi Produk

    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -2


    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -3


    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -4

    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -5


    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -6Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -7

    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -8

    Kemasan & Pengiriman

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    Informasi Perusahaan

    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -10

        Rayson Global Co., Ltd  minangka usaha patungan Sino-AS, didegaké ing 2007, khusus ing kasur, inner-

    musim semi  lan PP non woven kain. Desain kasur Rayson saka teknologi AS lan panggunaan perusahaan kita

    awet  bahan kanggo produksi kasur kita. Royson uga produsen innerspring kasur paling gedhe

    lan  Supplier kain non tenunan PP terkemuka ing Asia, kita bisa ngasilake luwih saka 120000 pcs unit musim semi lan

    1000 ton PP non woven kain saben sasi, jumlah sale luwih saka 200 kontaner saben wulan.

        Rayson bisa ngasilake  spring saku  kasur, kasur pegas bonnell, kasur pegas terus menerus,

    spring busa memori, kasur busa lan kasur lateks etc .Kabeh seri kasur kita bisa ngliwati USA

    CFR1633 & CFR 1632 lan BS7177 & BS5852, kanthi produk kualitas dhuwur  lan strictly ngleksanakake

    ISO9001: 2000 standar kualitas internasional, kita dadi anggota VIP USA ISPA.

        Perusahaan kita kepengin nambah kualitas turu lan dadi kanca turu, nyedhiyakake sampeyan

    kasur sing luwih apik kanggo urip sing luwih apik.          


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    Pameran Kita

     Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -12

    Rayson Mattress-Wholesale Heath Body Decorative Pillow With Natural Latex Covers Hot-selling memory -13

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    tinggalake email utawa nomer telpon ing formulir kontak supaya bisa ngirim penawaran gratis kanggo macem-macem desain.
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    Yen sampeyan duwe pitakonan, hubungi kita.

    Marang: +86-757-85886933

    Email : info@raysonchina.com / supply@raysonchina.com

    Tambah: Taman Industri Desa Hongxing, Guanyao, Kota Shishan, Distrik Nanhai, Kota Foshan, Provinsi Guangdong, China

    situs web www.raysonglobal.com.cn

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